Weather underground history data
Weather underground history data

weather underground history data weather underground history data

If you are using a Pi it is worth buying a good quality Micro-SD card, and changing it about once a year - they do wear out eventually.Ģ) Yes, by default WeeWx provides a set of tables (daily by month, monthly by year), so you can easily find historic data. Obviously you should make periodic back-ups of the database and your configuration settings (plenty of guidance on the WeeWx site), but I have found the system to be robust. I have been using WeeWx running on a Raspberry Pi for a few years now.ġ) Yes, WeeWx will store your data for as long as you want, by default in a SQLite database. 2.) Will I be able to compare data, eg rainfall for the month of June 2022 as well as June 2021 etc, and 3.) Will I then can contribute to the community by syncing data to Wunderground etc. So in short, I think I just want to make sure about: 1.) Will this solution be able to keep data (forever) on my WeeWX server/database. WeeWX would be able to sync up to Wunderground if I want to sync to the cloud (And contribute to the community by adding my weatherstation).

weather underground history data weather underground history data

I am quite comfortable with linux so I was looking at this weather station: I am slightly more interested in historic data than weather forecasting. So firstly I live in South Africa so weather station options are limited (except if I want to pay double for shipping). Any help would be greatly appreciated.Hi, I am getting into the "own weather station" thing and I need some advice. I put the URL into a JSON viewer to look at the structure, and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. When I run this I get an exception "TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str" The JSON stream includes a bunch of fields with daily summary information (Dailysummary), but I cannot get out and any of the values they have in this list. I adapted their Python example code (see below). I am trying to pull historical data from the Weather Underground API.

Weather underground history data